Alzhimers society of Bangladesh

Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism

Improving Daily Life Skills in People with Dementia: Testing the STOMP Intervention Model


Author(s): Carrie A Ciro, Hanh Dung Dao, Michael Anderson, Cynthia A Robinson, Toby Ballou Hamilton and Linda A Hershey

People with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias suffer inevitable losses in the performance of daily life activities. Emerging research demonstrates that improvement in performance may be achievable, yet clinicians lack a standardized approach for evaluation, planning and implementation. The STOMP intervention (Skill-building through Task-Oriented Motor Practice) was created using current knowledge of teaching new behaviours through motor learning principles and task-dependent neuroplasticity which occurs through mass practice and task-specific training. In this quasi-experimental design, we sought to examine the feasibility of the techniques, tolerance of a mass practice schedule and efficacy of the intervention for improving performance in daily life skills and reducing caregiver burden. Our results indicated that participants not only improved in their performance of daily living skills but also maintained the improvement at the three- month follow-up. Mass practice schedules were tolerated by people with mild-moderate dementia. Caregiver burden was unchanged at either follow-up period. Future research examining the advantages conferred from delivering STOMP in the home environment is recommended