Alzhimers society of Bangladesh

Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism

Significance of Neurolinguistic Approach to Brain Abnormalities Perceived by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) among Children with Language and Behavioral Disorders: A Cross Sectional Descriptive Observational Study



Introduction: Language and behavioral disorders result from abnormal brain development interfere with the child's language development. When language development impair than behavioral disorders arises. In this perspective, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) analysis can help to identify the causes of these disorders, allowing them to be correlated with clinical symptoms for early diagnosis and intervention.

Objective: The aim of this study is to observe the significance of MRI analysis of children with language and behavioral disorders who have brain abnormalities.

Methodology: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, with a neurolinguistic approach was conducted during the period from January 2022 to January 2023 at the Department of Psychiatry, Z.H. Sikder Women’s Medical college and hospital patient attending with the language and behavioral disorders with MRI report.

Result: This study shows that the average age of the interviewees was 6.28 ± 1.7 years old in the range of 3 to 12 years. Most of them (60%) were 6 to 10 years old male were predominant (72%). Depending on the finding of brain abnormalities perceived by MRI. Most of the children (64%) had injury in the cerebral cortex with hypo or hyper intensities of isolated parenchyma, 28% children had cerebral atrophy with ventriculomegaly and 0.8% children had no abnormality in brain MRI report, among them speech/phonetic and phonological disorder was (42%), receptive/perceptive disorder were present among (58%) children and inability to communicate according to the social situation and context (84%). Children showed behavioral problems as due to abnormal brain developments. Inattention and hyperactivity with microcephaly (74%), deficit in intellectual and adaptive functioning with cerebral palsy were (56%), childhood depression with phonetic and phonological disorder were (52.0%), specific learning disorder in (65%) children, intellectual developmental disorders with microcephaly also impulsivity and hyperactivity in (76%) children. The relationship in brain abnormalities perceived by MRI and clinical symtoms of language and behavioral disorders were significant P<0.05.

Conclusion: Abnormalities within the brain often come along with language and behavioral disorders. Therefore, meticulous history and magnetic resonance imaging analysis in brain abnormalities offers clues to evaluate and explain the phenomenology of these disorders for early and accurate diagnosis and allows for planning and initiation of speech language therapies that improve prognostic outcomes. This workmakes a pioneering neurolinguistic approach in Bangladesh further large-scale studies are needed to better visualize the extent of the problem.